Daily Archives: March 28, 2006

Impeachment PS: Online Petition and Progressives

As a quick PS to Jack’s update on the local County impeachment resolutions just below. First, reports are that the Windham County Progressive Party committee will be considering the Rutland Resolution at their next meeting. Also: there may be Legislation stirring (more on that as it comes out).

Finally, supporters make their press full court and have started a Rutland Resolution petition being circulated by hand and online, petitioning the Vermont Legislature (as per the Vermont Constitution Chapter I Article 20) to take up the matter. The petition is being circulated across the Democracy for Vermont network. It’s developing an aura of inevitability, folks! You can sign the online petition here.

Add Washington to the list

At its monthly meeting last night the Washington County Democratic Committee voted to support the Rutland resolution calling for the impeachment of President Bush. Sentiment at the meeting was unanimous that Bush has committed impeachable offenses, with discussion focussing on whether the impeachment effort, which has no chance of succeeding in the Republican-dominated Congress, would either divert the Party from more important work or give the Republicans ammunition to attack Democrats with in November’s elections. After a respectful discussion the pro-impeachment side prevailed.

By my count there are now ten county committees supporting the resolution, with most of the remaining county committees scheduled to discuss it before the special State Committee meeting set for April 8. It is still unclear whether the Legislature will have time to act on the resolution (or, for that matter, whether any legislator will introduce it) before adjournment.