Daily Archives: March 26, 2006

Rainville Article in the Burlington Free Press

My nominee for the Outrage of the Week is the lengthy hagiography of “Major Mom” by Adam Silverman in the March 25, 2006 Sunday Burlington Free Press. http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?D=/20060326/NEWS01/603260315/1009&theme=

This one-sided puff piece reads more like a PR campaign press release than balanced news reporting.

The sole dissenter from the saccharin lauding of Generalissimo Martha’s record as head of the Vermont National Guard is painted as a fringe element peacenik, too clueless to comprehend that Rainville doesn’t have sole authority to stop the deployment of Green Mountain troops to Iraq.

There are Guard members who don’t think Rainville has done a good job. If any who share this view were interviewed, their opinions were not printed.

It is notable that AP canned their Vermont bureau chief, Chris Graff, for putting an op-ed piece by Senator Leahy on the AP advance wire. Just a few days later, the Gannett-owned Free Press prominently printed this slanted article, crafted to promote the General to Congresswoman.

Silverman implies warm and fuzzy Martha is for the flag and motherhood. It’s a wonder he didn’t write that she bakes yummy apple pies, while wearing a frilly white apron over starched camo fatigues.