Daily Archives: March 24, 2006

WDEV Owner and “Mark Johnson Show” Host Uses Epithet On-Air

Filling in for the host on the“Mark Johnson Show”, local sports announcer and WDEV station owner Ken Squier, while rightfully speaking out against the impending execution of a former Muslim in Afghanistan for converting to Christianity (and also rightfully using the case to illustrate why Western Democracy cannot be imposed by the US), devolved into a rant about Muslims in general, referring to them as “those ragheads.”

As any reader knows, Green Mountain Daily posters are staunchly against the Iraq War. Speaking for myself (and I imagine others), I agree that Democracy cannot be imposed. But not because Muslims, Arabs, Persians, Afganis or any others in the region are somehow barbarian heathens inherently inferior to good, Christian American white folk. THAT is the message using an epithet sends. And it’s only magnified by the fact that so many Vermonters listen to this show.

And I think it’s our responsibility to both distance the anti-war movement from this sort of hate speech, as well as to make it clear that we find it disgusting in and of itself. My son was in the car with me at the time and it nauseates me that he got treated to that kind of garbage. Secretary of State Deb Markowitz came on immediately afterwards, but didn’t say anything. Hopefully, she just didn’t hear it.

You can call now and complain at 877-291-8255, or you can call next week and complain to Mark Johnson. WDEV’s office headquarters is at (802) 244-7321, and the emails are mark@gmavt.net and wdev@radiovermont.com respectively. Go on and make noise… and for discussion, is this just another nail in the coffin of this notion that Vermont political discussions are always more civil than everywhere else?

VT Impeachment Train: Juggernaut or Impending Derailment?

My, what a difference a week makes!

The various impeachment initiatives in Vermont are coalescing, and the state is taking notice. The city of Brattleboro is about to consider a resolution like Newfane’s. On the web, Philip Baruth at Vermont Daily Briefing has endorsed the broader effort. Freyne at Seven Days continues to cover it, and rumor has it that Dan DeWalt of Newfane (who “lit the fuse” with the Newfane resolution) may be making an appearence on a prime time national media show, so stay tuned.

Meanwhile, the “Rutland Resolution” — Jeff Taylor’s implementation of the national, blog-fueled drive to push for a state legislature to call Articles of Impeachment directly to the US House Floor (as per the House rules in the Jefferson Manual), is sweeping across Vermont’s Democratic infrastructure. Passing it so far are County Committees in Rutland, Orleans, Lamoille, Franklin, Chittenden, Bennington and Addison (who added Cheney). By the time the State Committee meets April 8th, it’s possible the only County Committee that will not have signed on will be Windsor, which opted to recommend censure.

Impressive all in all, and you’d assume the narrative will reach its climax at April’s Democratic State Committee meeting. The truth is, however, it’s the next week that will really determine whether all this leads to something more or not.

To clarify: first its important to point out that there are two impeachment “movements” in Vermont. The Town Meeting resolutions are calling on Bernie to present Articles of Impeachment in the House. After initially dismissing the efforts as “impractical,” Bernie bowed to the unexpected groundswell and signed on to Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) formal call for Impeachment in the House. This is likely as far as he will go.

The movement sweeping the VT Dem infrastructure, on the other hand, is pushing for direct involvement by the Vermont legislature — again, something allowed under the House Rules.

But the movements are coalescing, both from within Vermont and from without, as the Progressive Democrats of America are actively trying to coordinate the efforts nationwide.

The resistance to this within the Democratic infrastructure is largely based on the fear that we’ll all look like wingnuts if this goes too far — a fear I think is overstated. It’s also based on the sense that the whole process is a waste of time, since it won’t go anywhere in the Republican US House. This is a concern I have sympathy for, but I (and most proponents) are more inclined to err on the side of speaking up as loudly as possible than we may have been a couple years ago.

But the fact is that the Vermont Legislature is almost done. They have an incredible amount of work on the table, and are in the process of sorting out what bills they intend to pursue and which ones will be left behind — all with an eye towards a May adjournment.

The fact is, that by the time the State Committee has its say, the chance for Legislative action will be long gone.

So if proponents don’t come up with a sponsor or two in the Vermont House or Senate, the State Committee meeting will likely be the end of it, placing Vermont’s Democrats in the company of those from several other states who have affirmatively endorsed impeachment, but nothing more.

And lately, my little ear to the wall has picked up no rumblings of any interested legislators. Some are taking notice, but only inasfar as they hope not to have to deal with it.

It is hard to imagine who might pick this up, with everybody so busy. The only one who could arguably have some self-interest in the issue might be Rep John Tracy of Burlington, who has been the subject of outright ridicule for his “non-campaign campaign” for the Democratic nomination for Lt. Governor against Sen. Matt Dunne, whose campaign is steaming right along. If Tracy were to suddenly show interest, it would pull the spotlight right on him, fire up the Democratic base on his behalf, and likely draw the support of most of the Vermont Deaniac crowd virtually instantly. Still, even if he were inclined to take it up (which I would seriously doubt), nobody is more neck-deep in the Health Care reform process — an all-consuming dynamic if ever there was one.

So while the State Committee will be interesting (and GMD may live-blog it!), the real curtain will rise or fall over the next few days.

Like I said, stay tuned!