Daily Archives: March 8, 2006

Towns Overwhelmingly Endorse Evacuation Plan Improvements

[Im taking the unusual step of promoting a post from another thread as a front page diary, because it’s a Town Meeting news bit. This was posted by user Ed, pesumably the Ed in the quote below, but I dunno…]

In Town Meetings today, voters in Brattleboro, Marlboro, Halifax, Guilford, Dummerston and Putney adopted a resolution calling for legislative action to “address significant gaps in the current Plan to be used in a nuclear emergency”. The vote in favor of the resolution was 84% (eighty-four %) in Brattleboro, unanimous in Guilford, and nearly unanimous in the four other towns.

“The news that excessive vibrations in a steam line Saturday caused problems on the very first day of Entergy Nuclear’s Vermont Yankee power increase added to apprehension people already have about the evacuation plan”, according to Ed Anthes, a member of Nuclear Free Vermont by 2012. “The delay in notifying the public about the problem also raised concerns.”

Nuclear Free Vermont by 2012, the local grass roots activist organization that sponsored previous resolutions in 2002, 2003, and 2004, initiated the current campaign.

“In the years since the 9/11 attacks emphasized the need for workable evacuation plans, we have worked with area Selectboards, state legislators and emergency management personnel in an effort to address severe deficiencies in the plans”, said Ed Anthes, of the group. “This vote will show the state legislature and Vermont Emergency Management that people in the evacuation zone want improvements now.”

Bernie: Homegrown Impeachment Talk “impractical”

As Newfane, Dummerston, Putney and Marlboro Town Meetings all approve motions asking US Representative Bernie Sanders to present Articles Of Impeachment on the House floor, Bernie sez:

given the reality that the Republicans control the House and the Senate, “it would be impractical to talk about impeachment.”

He added that “all of our energy must go into the November elections with the goal of ending Republican control of the House and Senate.”

How does this effect the grassroots surge we’re seeing? Discuss! C’mon, you know you wanna…