Daily Archives: March 6, 2006

Pre-Town Meeting Vermont Blog Roundup

A little of whats going on to watch in the Vermont blogosphere of late.

Baruth has a spot-on piece from a few days back discussing the myth that Vermont is a progressive paradise and the dangerous complacency that notion can breed on the left. Required reading for sure.

In the Burlington mayor’s race, PoliticsVT reports that the recent spate of anti-Hinda Miller press bits are part of an organized attack campaign by the Progressive Party and the Kiss campaign. Of course, anytime the Progs get criticized, it’s like kicking a hornet’s nest, so the comments are flying over there. (Of course if the Dems reacted the same way to criticism, I might get a few more comments around here!)

Nat Kinney (Vermonters First) has coverage of Moretown’s organizing against the Town Meeting parental notification items we covered here a couple weeks back.

Also at Vermonters First, aq discusses the fracas around his rebuffed attempt to ask questions at the Governor’s press conference, and Douglas’s staff’s efforts to marginalize him. The Administration will try to make it all about Quinn himself, while Adam will try to make it about the Governor. Since he’s got a high profile staff, you’ve got to give the advantage to Douglas, but Adam is finding some unexpected support from the right (at least lukewarm support), so stay tuned if you like your politics a bit serialized. Good luck, aq.

Anything else worth sharing? Comment away…