Daily Archives: March 5, 2006

BREAKING: VT Democrats to push for State-Legislature initiated Impeachment of George W Bush

At today’s (March 4) Democratic State Committee meeting, representatives from thr Rutland County Democrats reported on their recent resolution calling for the impeachmnet of president Bush. Also discussed at the meeting was the wording of the US House of Representatives official rules allowing a state legislature to initiate the formal impeachment process on the US House floor. Here’s a diary from yesterday with details of how this could play out.

It was decided that most (if not all) of the County Committees would call special “emergency” sessions on the matter, ideally leading to an emergency State Committee meeting — all with the goal of encouraging the Vermont Legislature (no Governor Douglas approval needed) to bring the matter of Impeachment before the US House. From all accounts, the County Chairs in attendence were quite enthusiastic.

I wasn’t at the meeting, but I’m going to try and contact some of the key players who were in attendence to post a first-person diary. In the meantime, please discuss (especially if you were there and can provide some details). The national blogosphere is already talking it up.

Hold on to your hats, folks. This could end up being quite a ride!