Daily Archives: February 26, 2006

WARNING: Internet is a critical battlefield, says Rummy

Rumsfeld on “Policing” The Internet .. and getting rid of the “troublemakers”.  A MUST READ.

February 24, 2006
By Mike Whitney

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was warmly greeted at the recent meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR is the hand-picked assemblage of western elites from big-energy, corporate media, high-finance and the weapons industry. These are the 4,000 or so members of the American ruling class who determine the shape of policy and ensure that the management of the global economic system remains in the hands of U.S. bluebloods.

As the Pentagon’s chief-coordinator, Rumsfeld enjoys a prominent place among American mandarins. He is the caretaker of their most prized possession; the high-tech, taxpayer-funded, laser-guided war machine. The US Military is the crown-jewel of the American empire; a fully-operational security apparatus for the protection of pilfered resources and the ongoing subjugation of the developing world.

Rumsfeld’s speech alerted his audience to the threats facing America in the new century.

He opined: “We meet today in the 6th year in what promises to be a long struggle against an enemy that in many ways is unlike any our country has ever faced. And, in this war, some of the most critical battles may not be in the mountains in Afghanistan or in the streets of Iraq, but in newsrooms—in places like New York, London, Cairo, and elsewhere.”

“New York”?

“Our enemies have skillfully adapted to fighting wars in today’s media age, but for the most part our country has not”.

Huh? Does Rummy mean those grainy, poorly-produced videos of Bin Laden and co.?

“Consider that the violent extremists have established ‘media relations committees’—and have proven to be highly-successful at manipulating opinion-elites. They plan to design their headline-grabbing attacks using every means of communications to intimidate and break the collective will of free people”.

What gibberish.

It’s foolish to mention “intimidating and breaking the collective will of free people” without entering Abu Ghraib, Guantanomo and Falluja into the discussion. Rumsfeld is just griping about the disgrace he’s heaped on America’s reputation by his refusal to conform to even minimal standards of decency. Instead, he insists that America’s declining stature in the world is the result of a hostile media and “skillful enemies”; in other words, anyone with a computer keyboard and a rudimentary sense of moral judgment.

(Our enemies) “know that communications transcend borders…and that a single news story , handled skillfully, can be as damaging to our cause and as helpful to theirs, as any other method of military attack”.

If the Pentagon is really so worried about “bad press coverage” why not close down the torture-chambers and withdrawal from Iraq? Instead, Rumsfeld is making the case for a preemptive-assault on free speech.

“The growing number of media outlets in many parts of the world….too often serve to inflame and distort, rather than explain and inform. And while Al Qaida and extremist movements have utilized this forum for many years, and have successfully poisoned the Muslim public’s view of the West, we have barely even begun to compete in reaching their audiences.”

“Inflame and distort”?

What distortion? Do cameras distort the photos of abused prisoners, desperate people, or decimated cities?

Rumsfeld’s analysis borders on the delusional. Al Qaida doesn’t have a well-oiled propaganda mechanism that provides a steady stream of fabrications to whip the public into a frenzy. That’s the American media’s assignment. And, they haven’t “poisoned Muslim public opinion” against us. That has been entirely the doing of the Pentagon warlords and their White House compatriots.

“The standard US government public affairs operation was designed primarily …to be reactive rather than proactive…Government, however, is beginning to adapt”

“Proactive news”? In other words, propaganda.

Rumsfeld confirms his dedication to propaganda by defending the bogus stories that were printed in Iraqi newspapers by Pentagon contractors. (We) “sought non-traditional means to provide accurate information to the Iraqi people in the face of an aggressive campaign of disinformation….This has been deemed inappropriate—for examples the allegations of ‘buying news’”.

A brazen defense of intentionally planted lies; how low can we sink?

This has had a “chilling effect for those who are asked to serve in the military public affairs field.”

Is it really that difficult to print the truth?

Rumsfeld boasts of the vast changes in “communications planning” taking place at the Pentagon.

A “public affairs” strategy is at the heart of the new paradigm, replete with “rapid response” teams to address the nagging issues of bombed-out wedding parties, starving prisoners, and devastated cities. No problem is so great that it can’t be papered-over by a public relations team trained in the black-art of deception, obfuscation, and slight-of-hand. Trickery now tops the list of military priorities.

“US Central Command has launched an online communications effort that includes electronic news updates and a links campaign that has resulted in several hundred blogs receiving and publishing CENTCOM content.”

The military plans to develop the “institutional capability” to respond to critical news coverage within the same news cycle and to develop a comprehensive scheme for infiltrating the internet.

The Pentagon’s strategy for taking over the internet and controlling the free flow of information has already been chronicled in a recently declassified report, “The Information Operations Roadmap”; is a window into the minds of those who see free speech as dangerous as an “enemy weapons-system”.

The Pentagon is aiming for “full spectrum dominance” of the Internet. Their objective is to manipulate public perceptions, quash competing points of view, and perpetuate a narrative of American generosity and good-will.

Rumsfeld’s comments are intended to awaken his constituents to the massive information war that is being waged to transform the Internet into the progeny of the MSM; a reliable partner for the dissemination of establishment-friendly news.

The Associated Press reported recently that the US government conducted a massive simulated attack on the Internet called “Cyber-Storm”. The wargame was designed, among other things, to “respond to misinformation campaigns and activist calls by internet bloggers, online diarists whose ‘Web logs” include political rantings and musings about current events”.

Before Bush took office, “political rantings and musings about current events” were protected under the 1st amendment.

No more.

The War Department is planning to insert itself into every area of the Internet from blogs to chat rooms, from leftist web sites to editorial commentary. Their rapid response team will be on hair-trigger alert to dispute any tidbit of information that challenges the official storyline.

We can expect to encounter, as the BBC notes, “psychological operations (that) try to manipulate the thoughts and the beliefs of the enemy (as well as) computer network specialists who seek to destroy enemy networks.”

The enemy, of course, is anyone who refuses to accept their servile role in the new world order or who disrupts the smooth-operation of the Bush police-state.

The resolve to foreclose on free speech has never been greater.

As for Rumsfeld’s devotees at the CFR, the problem of savaging civil liberties is never seriously raised. After all, these are the primary beneficiaries of Washington’s global resource-war; should it matter that other people’s freedom is sacrificed to perpetuate the fundamental institutions of class and privilege?

Rumsfeld is right. The only way to prevail on the information-battlefield is to “take no prisoners”; police the Internet, uproot the troublemakers and activists who provide the truth, and “catapult the propaganda” (Bush) from every bullhorn and web site across the virtual-universe. Free speech is a luxury we cannot afford if it threatens to undermine the basic platforms of western white rule.

As Rumsfeld said, “We are fighting a battle where the survival of our free way of life is at stake.”

Indeed, it is.


CATAMOUNT TAVERN: Strong Ale,Subterfuge, Sniping, Strategery..and a Survey

This diary would have been up last night, but I was a little distracted. I refilled a refillable/disposable lighter with the wrong kind of fluid, and in the process of that comedy of errors, I managed to set my right arm on fire. I was neither freebasing nor shooting a Pepsi commercial, and at no time did I shout, “Tito! Tito!”
But for some reason, I found it necessary to keep a piece of frozen food – or a cold beer – in my right hand last night. Typing was out of the question.
At any rate, the Catamount is now open to serve you.
Welcome to it. Bar’s open, belly up and set a spell.
Serving the suds below the fold. 

“Those who invalidate reason ought seriously to consider whether they argue against reason with or without reason; if with reason, then they establish the principles that they are laboring to dethrone: but if they argue without reason (which, in order to be consistent with themselves they must do), they are out of reach of rational conviction, nor do they deserve a rational argument.”
-Ethan Allen

Curiouser and curiouser. Mark Shepard reads Human Rights Watch!  Who woulda thunk it? A guy that doesn’t think adult humans should have the right to marry whoever they want reads Human Rights Watch. Shep, as I’m sure you’ll recall, got his panties all in a twist because a bill was introduced into the Statehouse daring to suggest it might be polite to thank Venezuela for their energy assistance.
Went and ticked them Venezuelans off real good too:

“Mark Shepard lies or is an irresponsible fool when he claims that in Venezuela freedom of expression is suppressed, the media is censored and legal rights are suppressed,” read a statement released late Thursday by the government’s Ministry of Communication and Information.

Jeezum, you’d think the guy said we should go assassinate their president or something. Cheap thrills for the winger wing of his base, I guess…..

“I really don’t have a reputation for plugging politics,” Shepard said. “It’s not in my nature.”

Oh, goodness. I fear I may have insulted him.

Shepard, who represents Bennington County and Wilmington, is vying for a seat in the U.S. House. He said the resolution appeared to be a “tweak” at President George W. Bush disguised as a thank-you card.

“Clearly, this is a political maneuver by the sponsors,” he said.

Or, maybe it’s MY intelligence that’s being insulted.  Apparently, he thinks Venezuela has a big problem with the cold just like New England does……

“As a matter of foreign policy, there must be a better way to alleviate the difficulties from the high cost of oil. What do the people in Venezuela think when they see their wealth going to the richest nation in the world?”

Uh…..it’s a bit of warmth, not a bunch of wealth, Shep.They probably not only enjoy the “tweak” at the Bushies, they could be hoping for some nice thank-you notes from people in the Green Mountain State, so they can write back and ask them what it’s like when it gets that cold: Average temperature ranges in Caracas are from 24 degrees Celsius (75 degrees Fahrenheit) to 27 degrees Celsius (81 degrees Fahrenheit) all year.
Besides, when they answer the thank you letters, they can tell themselves they’re helping even more: their letters will give folks something else to burn when the oil runs out…..

The Impeach Tree in Vermont appears to be sprouting some new branches. Is this a graft seeking more sweet fruit, or a natural, healthy mutuation?

MONTPELIER — Democratic congressional candidate Peter Welch called Friday for the firing or resignation of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, calling him “the face of failed policies in Iraq.”

Could it be the company Rummy keeps?

Yep, Rummy goes back with a bunch a people:.

“I call on Rumsfeld’s resignation because his poor judgment has unnecessarily put Vermonters and Americans at risk and has undermined our ability to accomplish our goals,” Welch said.

“Americans should not forget that Rumsfeld has failed to eliminate the single greatest threat to our security, to find Osama bin Laden and dismantle his terror network,” he added.

Well, that’s certainly worth remembering…..but so’s this:

“The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.”
– G.W. Bush, 9/13/01

“I want justice…There’s an old poster out West, as I recall, that said, ‘Wanted: Dead or Alive,'”
– G.W. Bush, 9/17/01, UPI

“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.”
– G.W. Bush, 3/13/02

“I am truly not that concerned about him.”
– G.W. Bush, repsonding to a question about bin Laden’s whereabouts,
3/13/02 (The New American, 4/8/02)

But the military is quick to rush to SecDef’s defense, making it doubtful that the Vermont National Guard will support a coup d’etat:

Republican congressional candidate Martha Rainville, who is currently adjutant general of the Vermont National Guard, said “now is not the time for political grandstanding or fingerpointing.”

“Demanding the removal of Secretary Rumsfeld is not going to hasten the dismantling of the worldwide terror network or ensure security of our homeland, nor will it speed the process of turning responsibility for the security of Iraq over to the Iraqi defense forces,” Rainville said in a statement released by her campaign.

Darn. Somehow, Martha Rainville musta got battle hardened, Rumsfeld style. It boggles the mind that the Adjutant General of the National Guard in the state that has the highest per capita losses in the Iraq war could be sticking up for the guy that sends weekend warriors into a combat zone without the proper body armor.

And look who got caught flat-footed:

State Sen. Mark Shepard, R-Bennington, who is vying with Rainville for his party’s nomination, said of a Rumsfeld ouster, “I haven’t thought about it until now. … I’m certainly not prepared to make such a statement.”

Of COURSE you haven’t thought about it, Shep. We understand.

But we’re missing somebody here. The whole field has weighed in, except for……..

07/21/05 “Rutland Herald” – – A Congressional candidate who wants to impeach President Bush insists he can win the Republican primary.

Dennis Morrisseau, 62, of West Pawlet, plans to seek the Republican nomination to run for U.S. House of Representatives. The seat is being vacated by Rep. Bernard Sanders, I-Vt., who plans a run for the U.S. Senate.

A central part of his platform, Morrisseau said, will be bringing articles of impeachment against Bush.


Aw, Dennis. You used to be a Democrat, dammit!  What happened to ya?
Do a Perot. If you lose the primary, run as an independent! That way, Vermont Republicans have a choice until the bitter end. It’s only fair. (evil snicker)

While 38.8 percent of Vermonters — and likely the lion’s share of Vermont Republicans — voted for Bush, Morrisseau said he thinks there is enough anti-Bush sentiment within Republican circles for his message to find an audience.

“I think I’ve got a great shot,” he said. “There’s been movement since the election, if you track the polls. That’s not just Democrats, that’s Republicans, too. Down in southern Vermont, the man is reviled among Republicans.”

Morrisseau was dismissive of the party leadership in Vermont.

“The Republican leadership is Bush people for the most part,” he said. “Generally speaking, I don’t pay much attention to party leadership. I recommend that. I recommend it highly.”

Yeah, the Republican leadership here are certainly Bush people. They even get invited to slumber parties:
Least that Chimpy can do for his Vermont campaign manager, right?
Careful, Jim. You don’t want to catch what George’s got……

Hope that shot covers the “bird flu”……

Oh, and speaking of “the bird”……BWAHAHAHAHA!

Heard the latest about the Big Giant Head? The guy that called on AlQaida to blow up the Coit Tower, and even called for a boycott of our state’s economy – until threatened by an angry army of teddy bears with a money dog in his race? Seems like Billdo has a soft spot in his heart for Phil Donahue. Maybe it’s an Irish solidarity thing. You know how those Irishmen stick together……unless it’s like, in Ulster or something…..
ANYway, He Who Bill Dares Not Name, Keith Olbermann, has affixed his John Hancock to this latest falafel foolishness..or is that foolish falafelness? Crooks and Liars has the video up, and it’s a hoot, in your choice of Quicktime or WMV. Barmaid! Draw this fine person another ale…..drink up, now, and enjoy the show.

A contented Olbermann viewer last night

RenaRF at dKos has a petition of her own going. Won’t you sign now, and help rid the world of those who don’t know the difference between a loofah and a falafel? It only takes a minute, and it can make such a difference in the life of a small child.

Rokay. We did sniping, we did subterfuge, (Did you catch it? Or was I too subterfugeous?) now let’s do strategery….uh..STRATEGY. Yeah. What you said.
The gops get to have a primary for the House race.  We don’t.
And mad props to Zuckerman, by the way.
I feel this irresistable urge to divide and conquer, manipulate, exploit, and generally fuck up my karma. Take my devious poll and tell me what you think.
And have another ale!

“”Waiting, are they? Waiting, are they? Well, goddam ’em, let ’em wait!”
[Ethan Allen, to his physician who said “General, I fear the angels are waiting for you”, quoted in Saturday Review, April 5, 1958]”

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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