Daily Archives: February 24, 2006

Peter Welch Campaign Reporting

Heard on the Radio:  Peter Welch did not file his campaign paperwork on time.  Campaign manager Carolyn Dwyer says he mis-read the deadline for filing the report. 

What are the ramifications of this? 

Is there some sort of penalty Politically or Financially??

Seniors being thrown in the deep end

(From the diaries… thought about posting on this, but Barbara says it so much more clearly than I would. — – promoted by odum)

Looks like the Governor is expecting 25,000 senior citizens to either sink or swim on March 8th, according to today’s announcement that he will switch Vermonters back to the Federal prescription drug program that (already) failed miserably. 

The legislators will be away March 8th for their Town Meetings.  Coincidental .. or Douglas’ version of a recess appointment?  (That’s how Dubya got Bolton in the UN to wreak his vengeance.)  I predict we’ll see a resurgence of complaints and screwups if this happens.

The legislature has already paid out $11 million to seniors for their prescriptions, with no guarantee of reimbursement by the Feds.  Good job, Jim … I’d like to be a  fly on the wall at the next meeting of the National Governors’ Association ..  and at the Republican Governors’ Association behind closed doors.

How far will you go to stay on Dubya’s good side?  Loyalty is an admirable trait but should be tampered with common sense, and responsibility.  It doesn’t mean you need to cover up his messes at the expense of the people who voted for you in good faith.  As head of the Bush-Cheney Vermont campaign last year you should have some clout.  You were so proud to be linked with them.

There are still 5,000 elderly Vermonters who still have problems navigating the bureaucracy, with 2,800 still not assigned to a specific insurance plan.  The state will still pay for most of them.  The residents of the state will pay twice, with our Federal tax dollars misused and wasted and our state income tax increasing to pay again for what we already paid for once.  Good government?  I think not.

We’ll remember in November!
