Daily Archives: February 22, 2006

Shepard out of the loop

Wannabe Congressional candidate Mark Shepard is enraged that Vermont Senators think it appropriate to thank Bernie Sanders and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for their efforts to bring 40% discounted fuel oil to Vermonters living in poverty.

It’s a simple ‘thank you’ forgawdssake!  Was Mark in the woodshed when his mother was teaching polite behavior?

Would he rather poor Vermonters freeze to death?


…and the winner is: RUSS FEINGOLD

The polls are now closed, and the results of our utterly unscientific poll for the Democratic nomiee for President at this, GMD’s 1-week anniversary are as follows:

Click below to continue…

No small coincidence that the last two candidates who visited Vermont are two of the strongest finishers (Feingold and Edwards), but the strength of Feingold’s win (over 50%) sends a strong message. Also finishing well was new national Dem-darling, former Virginia governor Mark Warner. Not doing so well was Senator Clinton, while Senators Biden and Bayh received absolutely no love at all from readers.

Thankd for participating! We’ll wait a little while before doing this again, but by all means discuss your choices and pitch the other readers on your pick…