Burlington Dem Caucus Open Thread

LATEST-LATEST UPDATE: Oh lordy. Howard just came out and announced they’re going to recount the ballots, and if nothing changes, they will adjourn the caucus meeting and reconvene for a final vote later in the month.

Wow. What is going on behind the scenes? Somebody’s pissed they can’t their supporters back for another round of voting I guess.

LATEST UPDATE: Huh? Round 4? Burlington Chair Steve Howard just announced there will be a round 4, since nobody got a majority of the votes. I’m not sure what that means – there must have been some blank or weird write-in votes? because 540+541=1081, and 50% of 1081 is 540.5, so 50%+1 is actually 541.5 (I’m speculating the reasoning here).

Therefore, to truly meet the 50%+1 threshold, the winner with 1081 votes cast needed 542 (since 541.5 is not attainable).

SO the takeaway is: if Burlington can find a way to find the flaw in what seem to be straightforward election rule-language, they will. Ah well. Mental note: 50%+1 is stupid.

Looks like everybody else is embedding the CCTV live feed, so I guess I will too…

If you’re there, let us know (although I guess there’s probably no easy way to do that).

I stayed home, so I’ll repost results as they pop up online.

Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 3 recount
Ashe 458

Weinberger 391

Kranichfeld 354

Lorber 106
Ashe 471

Weinberger 390

Kranichfeld 356
Ashe 541

Weinberger 540
Ashe 540

Weinberger 540

Spoiled: 5 votes

The first round amounts to little more than a pre-real-voting straw poll, but Lorber bowed to the inevitable and dropped out, according to reports.

ROUND 2 thought: Why did only 15 of Lorber’s 106 voters vote in the next round? What happened to the other 91? Geez. I guess democracy is for pouters, too. And what’s with Miro losing a vote? Somebody in the bathroom?

ROUND 3 voting thought: 7 Days tweeters say the room has been emptying. If a sizable number of Bram’s voters do what Jason’s voters did and just bail when their candidate comes up short, this is all Ashe – and will mean there is no meaningful anti-Prog force within the Democratic caucus, despite the assumptions of many long-time party insiders. Very interesting. We shall see…

13 thoughts on “Burlington Dem Caucus Open Thread

  1. when the announcer was at the podium, he even seemed apprehensive.  I wonder if Miro will dropout?  On the one hand, he’s only a vote behind, but if he wins by a smaller number, say 302 to 298, because most of the crowd left, it’d be a smack in the face to ashe’s supporters.  

  2. I think that the shrinking of the voter numbers as candidates were eliminated shows that none of the candidates did any alliance building, no “if your guy goes out, will you vote for me next?”

    Which happened when Instant Runoff Voting was the rule in the last mayoral election. Some candidates campaigned for #2 votes.

    I know that technically this is different, but it’s the philosophy: your vote should still count, so stay and vote for your next favorite or least worst candidate. Candidates who didn’t plan for that in their campaign strategy were, um, shortsighted.


    I believe that it is absolutely imperative that the Democratic Party come back to power, but it must come back with the right leader … [and] when you have chosen your leaders, then to back them, then to go in and work.  … It is work, and some of it is dull work, but you must be ready to go in and work because that is the way that parties win victories at election time. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt (at the 1956 Democratic Party national convention)

  3. But I think these guys are all different enough to cause some sandboxing among their supporters. I’d have guessed Miro would have picked up more of Bram’s supporters, with Lorber’s moving more towards Ashe.

    If Ashe gets it he will have lots of work to do pulling away from the Prog label, eapecially if Kiss decides not to run, and both he and Mr. Wright will have to battle it out pver who has dirtier hands with their closed door knowledge of BT.

    Anyone know what happened to Andy Montroll?

  4. A majority is not 50% plus 1, it is more than 50%

    Because of how the votes work, the total vote will always be a whole number, but Ashe got a majority of the votes cast in Round 3. If the rules define a majority as 50% plus 1 then the rules are just wrong.

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