Sanders for President 2012 website lauched !

(From Bernie’s well-deserved fan club in the nation-at-large. – promoted by odum)

From Daily Kos 12/10/2010…

Draft Bernie Sanders for President 2012 Website Launched

ShareNew  0by Eric Stetson

Fri Dec 10, 2010 at 01:00:04 PM PST

It feels good to vote for somebody you really believe in, whose ideas you really agree with. And that’s what democracy is all about, isn’t it? The right to vote for the candidate of your choice, not just the proverbial “lesser of two evils.”

I, for one, have decided that because Barack Obama no longer deserves my vote, since he is not fighting for the the principles and policies I believe in, I would like to cast my vote for somebody better. I believe that man is Senator Bernie Sanders.

I am pleased to inform the Daily Kos community that there is now a Draft Bernie Sanders for President 2012 movement underway.


Therefore, yesterday I created a website,, asking people to sign a petition to Sen. Bernie Sanders asking him to run for president in 2012. The petition letter reads….

more at:…


6 thoughts on “Sanders for President 2012 website lauched !

  1. I, too, was heartened by Bernie’s resistance to the general capitulation to the right.

    That said, the recruitment drive misses the main point: We can’t elect decent people on a national level until we reform our electoral system. Money drives the system and most of the money comes from millionaires. Until we get public financing the millionaires will pre-select the candidates by voting with their checkbooks.

    Sanders has no chance of being elected president under the present system. All the powers of big business and the investor class would shower money on his opponent and swamp the media in attack ads, swiftboating, opposition research, whispering campaigns, and dirty tricks.

    It’s human nature to think in terms of personalities and stories. In this case we first have to think in terms of political structures and numbers. Not appealing or emotionally satisfying, I know. Everybody loves a hero. But it’s the circumstances that choose the man, not the other way around.

  2. In 1968, Gene McCarthy came pretty much from out of nowhere to run for the Dem nomination.  LBJ was the incumbent president.  In the NH primary, McCarthy ran a close second – 42% compared to LBJ at 49%.  

    LBJ then did the right thing.  

    It’s looking more and more to me that in early 2012 BHO might need to do the right thing, too.  Hopefully, if such is the case, he won’t need a need anyone to run against him to realize he’s at the end of the road, but hey, someone might have to do it.  

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