Douglas accused of lying

A stark anonymous shot via Margolis, whose coverage and analysis of the budget battle has been terrific:

Republicans were killing time while Douglas invited a few Democratic lawmakers for one-on-one sessions in his ceremonial office, trying to convince them to cast the one vote he’d need from their party to sustain the veto.

According to Democratic sources, Douglas told those Democrats that his aides and Legislative leaders were close to a budget compromise, the details of which he outlined to them, and that if one of them would vote against the override, the two sides could easily reach agreement.

“That was a lie,” said one Democrat.

52 thoughts on “Douglas accused of lying

  1. This tactic can be found on page 3 of the Karl Rove Guide To Deceit. When faced with a harsh reality, lie-and then lie some more.

    Douglas and his whole entourage are reeling. Life is good.  

  2. But this is exactly what I would expect to happen.  Douglas is guilty of SO much duplicity, it’s hard to get all exercised about this one.

  3. The Rock Man said, “Say, babe, there ain’t nothing pointless about this gig. The thing is you see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear. You dig? Did you ever see Paris?”


    “Did you ever see New Deli?”


    “Well, that’s it. You see what you want to see and you hear what you want to hear.” And with that the Rock Man fell soundly asleep,

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